Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Eighth Annual Carnival Sunday Bar-B-Que at BBSS

1: Messrs Lemessy and Wallace show how to do it!

A fixture every Carnival Sunday, our Annual BBQ attracted parents, students, and past students from home and abroad to a tradition of a good meal and a good lime!

2: Past students catching up

3: Two generations of "old boys"


1: Trent Haynes of Lower 6, 2008 Champion

Our Annual Calypso competition and Traditional Mas Presentation came off on Wednesday 30th January 2008 in front of an appreciative audience of students, staff, parents and invited guests.

2: Staff hard at work on the banner

Well organized by a staff coordinating committee led by our Music teacher,Mr. Sambrano, the show depicted the tremendous talent of our students in lyrics, music, artistry and respect for the art form as exemplified in this year's theme "Retrorespect".

3: A well entertained audience

No to be outdone, our Drama students put on a fine display of Traditional Mas this year, coordinated by DramaTeacher,Ms.Reyes.

4: Midnight Robber, Blue Devil

5: Perrot, Dames Lorraine

6: Contestants awaiting results

7: Avinash Mutroo of Form 2/o receives the second place trophy from Mr. Sambrano

8: Special Guest and VIP, Mr. Wayne Luces presenting special award to Trent Haynes

Many thanks to our staff and students for the vibrant display of culture in BBSS!